Catholic Archbishop of Perth message
A message from the Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB, Catholic Archbishop of Perth
By opening its doors to those in need, and providing opportunity, enablement, dignity and hope to all, Catholic Homes has admirably maintained its Christ-centered mission during a tumultuous year.
For many months society’s most vulnerable, our aged and frail, have thankfully been shielded from the worst effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I am grateful to the staff and volunteers of Catholic Homes who have worked selflessly to protect and care for our clients, residents and their families.
The physical impact of the virus, and the measures put in place to contain it’s spread, were felt widely, along with corresponding feelings of isolation and uncertainty as our wider community coped with life during the pandemic in Western Australia.
As the year progressed, we grew accustomed to the reported ‘new normal’ of life with COVID-19, of mask-wearing, immunisation and a variety of restrictions.
Thankfully, the proactive actions of the staff at Catholic Homes were consistent, immensely positive, and effective in bringing a Christ-like presence to our clients and residents.
Catholic Homes has pursued a path of continuous improvement to ensure its services meet the community’s rightful expectations of both superior quality and safety, which is underpinned by our distinctive ethic of care.
By listening to and understanding the needs of those in our care, Catholic Homes has heeded the call to uphold and apply with conviction our belief in the individual worth and dignity of every human life.
Catholic Homes continues to sustain its commitment to providing comfort and support to its residents and clients, while upholding and respecting the sanctity of every human life.
I take this opportunity to personally commend everyone at Catholic Homes for their hard work and compassionate care which is evident across all our services.
I offer my sincere thanks to the Board, executive, staff and volunteers for their dedication to the people we are all called to serve with great respect and care.
Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB
Catholic Archbishop of Perth