Congratulations Chef Christine
At Archbishop Goody in East Perth, our chef works behind the scenes and does not make a fuss.
Celebrating 10 years with Catholic Homes this year was awesome and now we reveal that Christine Savage has received food quality accreditation from local government — for ten years straight!
“I enjoy my work and have a passion for what I do,” said Christine.
“Our residents really like to be pampered, so it’s all about offering choice.”
Facility Manager Noelene Wright and Manager Hotel Services Damiano Montagnese were on hand recently to present Christine with a gift as a heart-felt thanks.
Christine’s care, and the skill of her team, is evident each day and when there are special times to be celebrated.
Damiano said it was rare for hotel services in aged care to receive a pass-mark from the local council for so many years in a row.
Follow you passion to care, in a career with us!