Executive Manager Mission message
A message from Rose Santoro, Executive Manager Mission
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
Another year has gone by with continued commitment from all our staff to our clients and residents. An authentic commitment to our vision, mission, and values through actions. After all, it is about the people and not just nice words on a wall.
The vision and mission is for everyone. We all want Catholic Homes to succeed in providing “…quality, personalised and holistic care for older people in need”.
The blueprint to achieve this is in our stated mission, we are called to respond, to care compassionately and to focus on the most vulnerable. We hire people who show and live the values of love, hospitality, and joy.
No matter what happened during the year, the focus was always on the people we care for.
Trying to keep them connected with their loved ones was important. Keeping our staff, clients, and residents healthy was equally important and provided the greatest challenge. We didn’t allow hope and motivation to be diminished in the despair and chaos of a pandemic.
We continued to share stories about the Good Samaritan and the staff who cared compassionately.
It’s important to know our heritage, our roots, to know where we come from, so we can carve out our future in providing aged care to the community.
Our identity as an organisation and our services have evolved from the good work of our antecedents — the Christian Brothers in Wilson, the Daughters of Charity in Guildford and Bunbury, the Marist Fathers in Belmont and the Servite Fathers in Joondanna.
The motivations for these religious orders were connected to God and Jesus.
They made a personal commitment to God to care for the vulnerable.
These connections and commitments remain and are reinforced as we look to the future.
There is much work ahead, in the spirit of formation, we seek to inspire our staff and build their capacity to express our vision, mission and values into their professional services and activities.
All of this encompasses mission and ministry in the twenty-first century. To paraphrase St John, we have come so that they may have life to the full.
Rose Santoro
Executive Manager Mission