COVID-19 Latest News
1 March 2022 COVID-19 Update
I write to you regarding the additional actions Catholic Homes is taking to protect your loved one and residents as reported COVID-19 cases in Western Australia continue to increase.
You may be aware that the State Government is stepping up its response and with this, increased measures are being introduced to help keep COVID-19 out of aged care.
The Premier has announced new visiting arrangements for residential age care: effective from 1201am Thursday 3 March 2022 residents can receive two visitors per day.
Further to this, to help keep our residents and staff safe, Catholic Homes will be introducing revised visitation access to our residences, effective from tomorrow.
From 2 March 2022, revised visiting hours come into effect at our residences on weekdays and weekends. Visitors are welcome in our residences during these times:
- Weekday visiting hours: 9:30 am to 11:30 am and 2:00pm to 4:00pm
- Weekend visiting hours: 8:00 am to 12 noon
I understand these arrangements may be inconvenient for some people, and I thank you for your patience and support. Please speak with your Facility Manager if you have special circumstances that we can help accommodate, such as palliative care visitation.
Catholic Homes is taking measured and cautious approach as the situation continues to change in WA. Everyone is reminded that the following infection prevention and control measures remain in place:
- Bring and wear your own mask before entering
- Proof of COVID-19 vaccination to be presented at reception
- Visits remain restricted to the resident’s bedroom and outdoor areas only
- Visitors to go directly to the resident’s bedroom and do not access other areas of the residence
- Common areas such as community rooms, dining areas, lounges and chapels remain closed for visits.
Please note that visitors must adhere to all infection prevention and control measures for residential aged care and if you are unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms, do not attend aged care and please get tested to rule out the virus.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding these matters, please contact the Facility Manager at the residence for assistance.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
18 February 2022 COVID-19 Update
I write to you following Premier McGowan’s announcement today of new visitation rules for residential aged care in the Perth, Peel and South West regions.
The State Government has announced that effective from 6am Monday 21 February 2022 residents can receive a maximum of four visitors per day, with exemptions for exceptional circumstances.
While these exceptional circumstances have not been defined by the State Government, Facility Managers may use their discretion, for example, for visitation by essential visitors and/or palliative residents.
To help protect our residents, staff and volunteers I remind everyone the following infection prevention and control measures remain in place:
- Bring and wear your own mask before entering
- Visits remain restricted to the resident’s bedroom and outdoor areas only
- Visitors to go directly to the resident’s bedroom and do not access other areas of the residence
- Common areas such as community rooms, dining areas, lounges and chapels remain closed for visits.
Please note that visitors must adhere to all infection prevention and control measures for residential aged care. We appreciate your cooperation with these and other directives:
- Proof of your full COVID-19 vaccination to be presented at reception
- Practise hand hygiene, cough etiquette and physical distancing at all times
- If you are over 16 years old and are not fully vaccinated or unable to provide vaccination proof, your visit cannot be authorised, and you will be unable to remain within the facility’s grounds
- If you or other family members are unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms, please do not visit, seek a COVID-19 test and isolate until your symptoms resolve.
Catholic Homes sincerely thanks you for your patience and cooperation as we work hard to keep everyone safe. I would also like to deeply thank all our staff and volunteers and highlight their dedication and wonderful care they continue to provide to your loved one every day.
We will keep you informed and will be able to provide further updates as we receive information from health authorities.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding these matters, please contact the Facility Manager at the residence for assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
8 February 2022 COVID-19 Update
With the COVID-19 situation continuing to evolve in Western Australia, we are taking precautionary steps keep family, visitors, our residents and staff safe.
It is well known that the Omicron strain of COVID-19 now in the community is highly transmissible and it is for this reason, Catholic Homes is implementing the following actions.
We understand that for some people these arrangements may be difficult, but they are necessary. Catholic Homes thanks you for your patience and cooperation as we work hard to keep everyone safe.
Changes to visiting arrangements – Perth residential aged care
Visitation access to Catholic Homes aged care residences in Perth is subject to these arrangements until otherwise notified:
- Visits are restricted to the resident’s bedroom and outdoor areas only
- Visitors to go directly to the resident’s bedroom and do not access other areas of the residence
- Common areas such as community rooms, dining areas, lounges and chapels remain closed for visits.
Changes to visiting arrangements – Perth Independent Living villages
Visitation access to Catholic Homes aged care residences in Perth are subject to these arrangements until otherwise notified:
- Visitation or attendance at our aged care residences by ILV residents is temporarily suspended
- If you have meals prepared by the residence, we can continue to assist: please contact the Facility Manager regarding your needs and arrangements.
Changes to visiting arrangements – Bunbury residential aged care
Visitation access to Ocean Star residential age care is subject to these arrangements, until otherwise notified:
- Visits are restricted to the resident’s bedroom and outdoor areas only
- Visitors to go directly to the resident’s bedroom and do not access other areas of the residence
- Common areas such as community rooms, dining areas, lounges remain closed, except the Chapel. The Chapel remains open and will be cleaned regularly.
Changes to visiting arrangements – Bunbury Independent Living village
Visitation access to Ocean Star residential aged care is subject to these arrangements, until otherwise notified:
- Visitation or attendance within the residence by ILV residents is temporarily suspended, besides Chapel services
- ILV residents are welcome to continue to attend Chapel services; please proceed directly using the external door; the room will be regularly cleaned
- If you have meals prepared by the residence, we can continue to assist: please contact the Facility Manager regarding your needs and arrangements
Please note that Chapel attendees must adhere to all infection prevention and control measures for residential aged care. We appreciate your cooperation with these and other directives:
- Bring and wear your own mask before entering using the external door, and practise hand hygiene, cough etiquette and physical distancing at all times
- If you are unvaccinated or unable to provide vaccination proof, your visit cannot be authorised
- If you or other family members are unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms, please do not visit, seek a COVID-19 test and isolate until your symptoms resolve.
Catholic Homes continues to follow government directions and is monitoring the situation closely. We will keep you informed and will be able to provide further updates as we receive information from health authorities.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding these matters, please contact the ILV coordinator / Facility Manager at the residence for assistance.
31 January 2022 COVID-19 Update
The State Government has released its Proof of Vaccination Directions (No 2) which requires for all visitors aged 16 years and older to provide valid proof of their full COVID-19 vaccination to be able to enter residential aged care sites.
To assist Catholic Homes, as detailed in my earlier correspondence, you can download your vaccination proof from your phone or online and send it to the Administration office prior to your visit.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination
Valid vaccination proof includes a COVID-19 digital certificate or an Immunisation History Statement which are available from ServiceWA or Medicare Express apps; or online via the MyHealth or MyGov websites.
Visiting access is not restricted, family members and others can visit their loved ones as usual and within the mandated COVID-19 protocols including compulsory mask wearing, hand and cough hygiene, and physical distancing.
To help Catholic Homes meet these new COVID-19 vaccination screening protocols safely and effectively, from Tuesday 1 February 2022, we will be temporarily suspending front door access codes and disarming key fobs at our Perth residences until further notice. If you have a key fob, you can retain it for use when it is reactivated.
Special arrangements at Ocean Star
Following continuing news of COVID-19 transmission in the South West region we are taking steps to keep residents, families, visitors and staff safe.
Due to the prevalence and potential risk of COVID-19 in the community, as an extra precaution, from Tuesday 1 February 2022, Catholic Homes will be implementing Moderate Public Health and Social Measures at our Ocean Star aged care residence.
This means from 1 February until further notice, we will be temporarily suspending front door access codes and disarming key fobs at Ocean Star. If you have a key fob, you can retain it for use when it is reactivated.
Visiting access is being managed and family and other visits will be considered on a case-by-case basis and we ask you to contact Ocean Star ahead of your visit to make necessary arrangements including wearing suitable PPE attire.
What is happening next?
Catholic Homes is following government directions and continues to monitor this situation closely. We will keep you informed and will be able to provide further updates as we receive information from health authorities.
I understand that for some these changes may be inconvenient, but they are necessary to help keep our residents, staff and the community safe. Catholic Homes thanks you for your patience and cooperation.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding these matters, please contact the Facility Manager at the residence for assistance.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
27 December 2021 COVID-19 Update
The Premier Mark McGowan today reviewed and announced measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in WA.
Effective from 6am tomorrow, Thursday 28 December 2021 until 6am Tuesday 4 January 2022 face masks must be worn in all public indoor settings including aged care services in the Perth-Peel region.
This includes all staff, visitors, agents and contractors attending aged care services or clients homes; you must wear a mask at all times while in that workplace.
If you have been in the Perth-Peel region since 16 December and entered another regional area, you must follow the mask rules. Residents or clients should not be alarmed when they see our staff wearing masks, this is part of prevention measures.
Exposure sites and testing
Health WA has updated its list of exposure sites, available here:
Anyone who has been at an exposure site during the times listed must follow the relevant testing and quarantine instructions.
Please maintain physical distancing and personal hygiene to help prevent potential infection.
What is happening next?
Catholic Homes is following the directions of State health authorities and continues to monitor this situation closely. While the COVID-19 situation locally and nationally can change quickly we are taking a measured and calm approach and will provide updates to you as more information becomes available. I understand these measures may be challenging, but necessary.
Catholic Homes thanks you for your patience and cooperation. If you have any queries or concerns regarding these matters, please see your Facility Manager or line manager.
Kind regards
Kylie Steele
Acting Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
24 December 2021 COVID-19 Update
Following the Premier’s announcement yesterday, I write to you regarding arrangements should you be taking your loved on offsite to Christmas activities and other events during the holiday period and beyond.
To reduce the risk, you should consider the following:
• Please ensure you contact guests attending to make sure they have not been to any of the exposure sites
• Are you confident that other guests attending have not been in any of the identified exposure areas?
• How many people may your loved one be exposed to?
• Can you maintain social distancing during the visit?
• What is the vaccination status of your other guests?
We remind everyone mask wearing is mandatory in aged care until further notice.
Catholic Homes is welcoming visitors under government advice and if you are visiting, please wear a mask at all times and practice physical distancing and personal hygiene.
If you are unwell or have visited any exposure locations, please do not visit any aged care setting. You can view the State Government’s list of exposure sites and links to more information at
As this latest community transmission has just been announced, there is a potential risk of further spread and we may have to amend our precautions subject to direction from Health authorities.
And as matters can change quickly, we will provide updates to you as information becomes available.
Once again, I thank you for your ongoing support and wish you and your loved ones all the best for Christmas and the new year ahead.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
23 December 2021 COVID-19 Update
Rules for masks in aged care
The Premier Mark McGowan today announced measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in WA.
Effective from 6pm tonight, Thursday 23 December 2021 until 6am Tuesday 28 December 2021 face masks must be worn in all public indoor settings including aged care services in the Perth-Peel region.
This includes all staff, visitors, agents and contractors attending aged care services; you must wear a mask at all times while in that workplace.
If you have been in the Perth-Peel region since 16 December and entered another regional area, you must follow the mask rules.
Residents should not be alarmed when they see our staff wearing masks, this is part of prevention measures.
Exposure sites and testing
Health WA has updated its list of exposure sites, available here:
Anyone who has been at an exposure site during the times listed must follow the relevant testing and quarantine instructions.
Please maintain physical distancing and personal hygiene to help prevent potential infection.
What is happening next?
Catholic Homes is following the directions of State health authorities and continues to monitor this situation closely.
While the COVID-19 situation locally and nationally can change quickly we are taking a measured and calm approach and will provide updates to you as more information becomes available.
I understand these measures over the Christmas period are challenging, but necessary. Catholic Homes thanks you for your patience and cooperation.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding these matters, please see your Facility Manager or line manager.
Best regards,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Inc
12 July 2021 COVID-19 Update
Lifting of COVID-19 measures in aged care
I write to you following the very good news that we have no cases of community transmission of the COVID-19 virus in Western Australia. This means, effective from 12.01am Monday 12 July 2021, COVID-19 restrictions for Perth and Peel regions are lifted and visitation arrangements return to normal.
I would like to thank residents, their loved ones and extended family members for their patience and support as we work to keep people and the community safe. Please note the standard public health arrangements for aged care remain in place, including completing a mandatory influenza vaccination and COVID-19 health questionnaire and declaration for all visitors.
To help protect people in aged care, if you have returned from overseas in the past 14 days or have been informed that you are a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days you cannot visit any aged care residence.
We kindly remind family members and visitors to continue to practice good hand hygiene and cough etiquette and if unwell, please do not visit until symptoms resolve. Please get tested if you are symptomatic to rule out the virus.
We are closely monitoring the situation in the eastern states and, should matters change, we will keep you informed. If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Facility Manager at the residence.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
5 July 2021 COVID-19 Update
Update for Perth and Peel Regions
Premier McGowan has announced that with no further locally transmitted COVID-19 cases recorded in WA today, an easing of certain restrictions is effective from midnight tonight.
Family visitation arrangements
From 12:01am Tuesday 6 July 2021 until 12:01am Monday 12 July 2021, the following arrangements come into effect:
- Four personal visitors permitted per resident per day. Visitors and staff must successfully complete an influenza vaccination and health declaration/questionnaire at each visit when they sign in at reception.
- Mask wearing remains mandatory for visitors and staff in residential aged care facilities
- If family seek further visitation for compassionate reasons (palliative or end of life care) they are kindly asked to contact the Facility Manager for assistance
- Residential hairdressing services will continue, with aged care and independent living residents asked to attend on different days. Please contact the residence or speak to the administration staff for an outline of days.
All current arrangements are in place at the direction and advice of State and Commonwealth Health authorities and may change at any time.
Please continue to adhere to these instructions and visitors are reminded to complete the COVID-19 questionnaire on entry to a residence, continue to wear a mask, maintain hand hygiene, cough etiquette and physical distancing.
Contact tracing and testing
If you have been at any of the locations at the times specified, you need to attend a COVID clinic for testing and isolate at home until you receive a negative result. For more details on WA’s COVID-19 response and a current list of exposure sites, please visit:
Thank you for your cooperation and patience, we will be able to provide further updates to you as soon as we have more information.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
2 July 2021 COVID-19 Update
Update for Perth and Peel Regions
I write to you with an update on the State Government’s response to COVID-19. The Premier Mark McGowan has today announced that with one additional community case of the virus recorded, current visitation restrictions will remain in place for residential aged care until at least 12:01am Tuesday 6 July 2021.
Given the nature of the virus, things can change rapidly. Therefore, certain restrictions remain in place for Perth and Peel:
Family visitation arrangements
- Until 12:01am Tuesday 6 July 2021, visits to Catholic Homes residences in Perth are restricted to exceptional circumstances such as essential care, compassionate reasons, end of life and advocacy
- A limit of one visitor per resident per day is in place until further notice
- Please contact your Facility Manager to discuss your exceptional visitation requirements.
Infection control
The following actions are mandatory for all staff and visitors until further notice:
- Mask wearing indoors is compulsory
- Please practice physical distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene at all times
- Complete an influenza and health declaration/questionnaire at each visit when you sign in at reception.
Contact tracing and testing
If you have been at any of the locations at the times specified, you need to attend a COVID clinic for testing and isolate at home until you receive a negative result. A current list of exposure sites is available from the WA COVID website.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience, we will be able to provide further updates to you as soon as we have more information.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
30 June 2021 COVID-19 Update
Changes to permitted visitation
The State Government has updated its Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities (Circuit-Break Lockdown – Level 3) Directions.
These directions include changes to visitation permissions for ‘care and support’ visits; with a limit of no more than one person per resident makes a care and support visit on any given day.
The purpose of these directions is to limit the spread of COVID-19 in residential aged care facilities.
Please contact your Facility Manager by telephone or email ahead of any planned visit so appropriate arrangements can be made.
The State Government’s directions can be read in full here:
29 June 2021 COVID-19 Update
Update for Perth and Peel Regions
I write to you following the announcement by the Premier Mark McGowan regarding aged care visitation, travel and other restrictions in parts of WA for the next four days.
Effective from this morning 12:01am Tuesday 29 June 2021 up until Saturday, 3rd July 2021 at 12.01am. Catholic Homes Inc. is taking the following actions in line with guidance provided by the Government and by the industry for residences in the Metropolitan area.
During these times, until further notice, no visitors to residential aged care and/or disability facilities are permitted, except for exceptional circumstances such as essential care, compassionate reasons, end of life care and advocacy; If you wish to visit site for any of these reasons, please contact the Facility Manager to discuss further.
For more information on the State’s increased infection control precautions please visit
I understand the rapid actions imposed by the State Government and the required restrictions may cause difficulties for some families and loved ones. Catholic Homes appreciates your patience and support as we await further information and look forward to the easing of these restrictions.
Our senior managers have been liaising with all our residences to ensure all facilities are well prepared, and are more than able to help you keep in contact with your loved ones. There are many ways to keep in contact including mobile phone and iPad, please speak to the Facility Manager if you require assistance.
Catholic Homes will continue to act on the advice and recommendations of the State Government and the Department of Health. We will be able to provide further updates to you as we have more information from the State Government.
You will notice our staff wearing masks, please do not be alarmed as this is a requirement that has been enforced by the State Government.
Please ensure that you, your friends and close and extended family members are aware and follow this vital requirement and do not visit any aged care residence until further notice. We urge you to continue to practice physical distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene at all times. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in helping us to keep you and your loved ones safe.
I offer my heartfelt thanks to you for your patience and support and look forward to keeping you informed.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with the Facility Manager at the residence.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
Catholic Homes Incorporated
27 June 2021 COVID-19 Update
Update for Perth and Peel Regions
I write to you following the announcement earlier today by the Premier Mark McGowan regarding new COVID-19 arrangements for the Perth and Peel regions.
Effective from 12 noon today, 27 June 2021 for a minimum of three days increased infection control precautions are in place for all aged care facilities in Perth and Peel regions, including Catholic Homes’ residences in the metropolitan area:
- A limit of four visitors per resident per day; visitors are to attend the resident’s room directly and common areas are restricted
- Two visitors can stay a resident’s room at a time and family are asked to remain a waiting area before going take their turn
- Mask wearing is mandatory for all visitors, contractors and staff
- Physical distancing (the two square metre rule) applies to gatherings including hairdressing, chapel and group activities
- Visitors must complete a COVID-19 health screening and influenza declaration before entering the residence
- Hand hygiene and cough etiquette applies at all times.
I understand the rapid actions imposed by the State Government and the required restrictions may cause difficulties for some families and loved ones. Catholic Homes appreciates your patience and support as we await further information and look forward to the easing of these restrictions.
Catholic Homes will continue to act on the advice and recommendations of the State Government and the Department of Health. We will be able to provide further updates to you as we have more information from the State Government.
For more details on precautions please visit or call the COVID information line on 13 268 43. If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with the Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse at the residence.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
3 May 2021 COVID-19 Update
Update for Perth and Peel regions
I write to you following my letter of 30 April 2021 with an update on the State Government’s response to COVID-19. Premier McGowan has today announced there are no new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases in WA overnight. This is very good news, but given the nature of the virus, things can change rapidly. Therefore, certain restrictions remain in place for Perth and Peel:
Family visitation arrangements
- Until 12:01am Saturday 8 May 2021, visits to Catholic Homes residences in Perth remain limited to one visit per day
- Should you require further or additional visits on compassionate grounds (such as palliative or end of life care), so we can meet your needs, please contact your Facility Manager for assistance
Infection control
The following actions are mandatory for all staff and visitors until further notice:
- Mask wearing is compulsory
- Please practice physical distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene at all times
- Complete a health declaration/questionnaire at each visit when you sign in at reception.
Contact tracing and testing
If you have been at any of the locations at the times specified, you need to attend a COVID clinic for testing and isolate at home until you receive a negative result. A current list of exposure sites is available here:
Thank you for your cooperation and patience, we will be able to provide further updates to you as soon as we have more information.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
30 April 2021 COVID-19 Update
Easing of restrictions in Perth and Peel regions
Premier McGowan has announced fewer restrictions for Perth and Peel region following the good news of no further reported cases of community transmission of the virus.
On the advice of the Chief Medical Officer, the State Government has informed aged care providers, including Catholic Homes, that the following arrangements are in place from 12.01am Saturday 1 May 2021 until 12.01am Saturday 8 May 2021.
- One household can visit an aged care resident per day. We recommend that if you have more than two visitors wanting to attend, please call the Facility Manager ahead of time to make arrangements. Should you require further or additional visits on compassionate grounds (such as palliative or end of life care), so we can meet your needs, please contact your Facility Manager for assistance
- Mask wearing indoors is mandatory for visitors and staff until further notice
- All visitors and staff must practice physical distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene at all times.
- All visitors and staff must complete the health declaration when they sign in at each visit at reception. If you have COVID-19 symptoms or have been at any place listed by Government as an exposure site at a given time please isolate, get tested and do not attend an aged care residence.
We look forward to the lifting of transitional arrangements and thank you for your patience and support in keeping everyone safe over these past weeks. For more information on the State’s COVID-19 precautions and arrangements please visit
Catholic Homes will continue to act on advice and recommendations of the Health authorities. We will be able to provide further updates to you as soon as we have more information.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
Yours sincerely
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
26 February 2021 COVID-19 Update
End of ‘lock down’ for Perth and Peel regions
I write to you following my letter of 23 April 2021 with the welcome news of no further reported transmission of COVID-19 in the community.
We also welcome the Premier’s announcement today of the lifting of some restrictions in the Perth and Peel regions. However, given the nature of the virus and the need to protect everyone in aged care, visitation to residential aged care facilities in these regions will remain restricted for the next four days.
This means visitation to all Catholic Homes residences in Perth will not be permitted unless for advocacy and compassionate reasons. Please speak with your Facility Manager ahead of any planned visit over the next four days.
These transitional arrangements are in place from 12.01am Tuesday 27 April 2021 until 12.01am Saturday 1 May 2021.
For more information on the State’s COVID-19 precautions please visit For further details on the current transitional arrangements or Perth and Peel see End of lockdown in Perth and Peel (
Once again we have experienced the challenging nature of the COVID-19 situation and I sincerely thank you for your understanding, patience and support.
Catholic Homes will continue to act on advice and recommendations of the Health authorities we will be able to provide more updates to you as we have more information from authorities.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
23 April 2021 COVID-19 Update
New infection control prevention measures announced
Today the Premier Mark McGowan has announced aged care visitation, travel and other restrictions in parts of WA for three days.
Effective from midnight tonight 23 April 2021 to midnight Monday 26 April 2021 increased infection control precautions are in place for all aged care facilities in the Perth and Peel regions including Catholic Homes’ residences in the metropolitan area.
During those times, until further notice, visitation to aged care facilities unless under exceptional circumstances such as end of life care is not permitted. Independent living residents seeking meal services should contact their facility’s manager in advance for delivery if available, as sit-down meals will not be served during the 3-day period.
For more information on the State’s increased infection control precautions please visit
I understand the difficulties this rapid action by the State Government may have for some families and loved ones and everyone at Catholic Homes appreciates your patience and support.
Catholic Homes will continue to act on advice and recommendations of the Health authorities we will be able to provide more updates to you as we have more information from the WA Department of Health.
You will notice our staff wearing masks, please do not be alarmed as this is a standard precaution from WA Health.
Please ensure that you, friends and close and extended family are aware and follow this vital requirement and do not visit any aged care residence until notified.
We urge you to continue to practice physical distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene at all times. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in helping us keep you and your loved ones safe.
I offer my heartfelt thanks to you for your patience and support and look forward to keeping you informed.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
COVID-19 Update – Vaccination Rollout
The Australian Government’s national COVID-19 vaccination program commenced on Monday 22 February 2021 to Phase 1a priority groups including aged care and disability residents and staff, and frontline health, quarantine and border workers.
Health authorities advise that the COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary, free and has a high level of efficacy. We welcome initiatives that aim to keep the community safe. The arrival of the vaccine is positive news in what has been a challenging 12 months.
The Commonwealth Department of Health is responsible for managing the vaccination program, including determining who will be offered the vaccine and the timing for the rollout.
Teams from the Department’s provider in WA, Aspen Health, are administering the vaccinations to consenting residents and aged care staff. Catholic Homes is facilitating the implementation of the program and will not be administrating the vaccine.
If residents and clients are considering a COVID-19 vaccination we recommend that you first see and discuss any matters, queries or concerns with your GP.
More details on the Commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination program are available at, and and you can call National COVID Information Helpline on 1800 020 080.
12 February COVID-19 Update
Planned end to transitional restrictions
I write to you following my letter of 9 February 2021 to advise that the State Government’s provisional end to precautions for the Perth and Peel regions come into effect on Sunday morning.
To keep the community safe, the government’s “transition period”, which covers the virus’ 14-day incubation time, started at 6pm Friday 5 February and is planned to end this weekend at 12.01am Sunday 14 February.
If we have no local cases of the virus up to that time, visitation restrictions are lifted and we can welcome family and friends into all our residences, with certain infection control precautions.
Key points from the Premier’s announcement today include:
- Pending health advice, the Perth and Peel transitional restrictions will end as planned at 12.01am, Sunday, 14 February
- Western Australia will return to the pre-lockdown conditions
- From 14 February face masks will not be mandatory and there will be no restriction on travel within WA
- Contact registers will continue to be mandatory at most businesses and venues across WA
- Continue to practise healthy hygiene and get tested if you feel unwell.
It is good news that the community can look forward to this return to normality. We have experienced an extraordinary start to the new year with some great results here in WA with no community transmission to date. But the situation can change without warning, and the situation in the eastern states remains serious, so we must be vigilant.
Visitors must continue to successfully complete a health questionnaire before entering the residence. Please continue to practice infection prevention measures including physical distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquette.
You can help support our efforts in keeping COVID-19 out of aged care and help our community stay safe by the following the latest State Government advice available here:
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with the Facility Manager at the residence.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
9 February COVID-19 Update
Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions No. 6
The State Government has released more information enabling limited care and support visitation to aged care residences in Perth and Peel, including Catholic Homes’ residences.
In addition to advocacy and compassionate grounds, limited visitation for care and support reasons is permitted. Should you wish to visit a loved one, we require all visitors to adhere to the following important government conditions:
- Please contact the Facility Manager ahead of your visit to discuss the care and support purposes of your visit
- Care and support visits are limited to one person at any one time
- Please remain in the resident’s room during your visit and do not enter other areas, unless directed by management
- Mask wearing and hygiene precautions including physical distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquette, apply during all visits
- Visitors must also successfully complete a COVID-19 health screening questionnaire before entering the residence. If you are unwell, please self-isolate and seek a COVID test.
More details on the government’s latest direction are provided in the link below.
We welcome this development as we anticipate further government advice later this week which may, subject to no local cases of the virus, further lift restrictions in Perth.
You can help support our efforts in keeping COVID-19 out of aged care and help our community stay safe by the following the latest State Government directions.
For more information regarding Visitors to Residential Aged Care Facilities Directions No. 6, visit:
We thank all residents and family for your patience and support and look forward to providing further updates to you. If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with the Facility Manager at the residence.
5 February COVID-19 Update
Extended infection control precautions for aged care
I write to you following my letter of 3 February 2021 to confirm the State Government’s planned directions which extend certain infection control precautions for aged care in WA that were in place this week.
After an extraordinary nearly five days of no detected community transmission of the virus, Premier Mark McGowan has, pending no further cases, announced the end of the five-day “lock down” for the Metropolitan, Peel and South West regions, effective from 6pm tonight.
The government’s cautious approach means it has directed aged care providers in the Perth and Peel regions, including Catholic Homes, to restrict visitation to aged care residences to advocates and compassionate visits only until 12.01am Sunday 14 February 2021:
If you wish to visit your loved one on compassionate grounds, you must contact the Facility Manager in advance before you visit – please do not attend unannounced. Our staff will assist over the weekend to have the Facility Manager return your call to help make arrangements for you.
Mask wearing and hygiene precautions apply during all visits and visitors must also successfully complete a COVID-19 health screening before entering the residence. If you are unwell, please self-isolate. Residential activities including group recreation will be allowed from Monday 8 February, subject to all applicable infection control precautions.
I understand that the news of the government’s extended visitation restrictions will be difficult for some but I urge your understanding and patience as we will come out of this situation when everyone does the right thing. Because the situation is rapidly changing in other parts of the country and matters can change here in WA without warning, we must remain vigilant and adhere to directions from government and health authorities.
We remind everyone to continue to follow all directions from health authorities, to wear masks, to practice cough etiquette and hand hygiene, including physical distancing (which has for Perth residences now changed from 1.5 square metres to 4 square metres per person in a room). We greatly appreciate your cooperation in helping us to keep you/your loved one safe.
You can help support our efforts in keeping COVID-19 out of aged care and help our community stay safe by the following the latest State Government directions available here:
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with the Facility Manager at the residence.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Andrew
Chief Executive
3 February 2021 COVID-19 Update
It has been very encouraging that we have no reported cases of community transmission so far in WA. We at Catholic Homes sincerely thank residents, clients and your loved ones for your patience and support this week.
The feeling throughout all our residences is very positive and all our services are well prepared for this situation. Our staff continue to ensure you/your loved one are doing well and are able to go about enjoying your day, in contact with family and others. Please note our Pastoral Care staff are available to assist residents to keep in contact and to provide support as needed.
The Premier today stated that visitation and other restrictions may be lifted if no community transmission of the virus is maintained this week; however he has indicated that some form of infection control precautions will be in place because the situation can change.
As we look forward to the lifting of restrictions, our current actions remain in place and we cannot be complacent: COVID-19 and its variants are very contagious and we must continue to do all we can to keep it out of aged care while helping protect the community.
We kindly remind everyone to continue to follow all directions from health authorities and practice physical distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene at all times. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in helping us to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Catholic Homes will continue to act on the advice and recommendations of the State Government and the Department of Health. We will be able to provide further updates to you as we have more information from the State Government.
For more information on the State’s increased infection control precautions please visit
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with your Case Manager or the Facility Manager at your residence.
31 January 2021 COVID-19 Update
Effective from 6pm tonight 31 January 2021 to 6pm Friday 5 February 2021 increased infection control precautions are in place for all aged care facilities in Perth, Peel and the South West regions, including Catholic Homes’ residences in the metropolitan area and Bunbury.
During these times, until further notice, visitation to aged care facilities is not permitted with the exception of residents who are receiving Palliative/End of Life Care. For more information on the State’s increased infection control precautions please visit
We understand the rapid actions imposed by the State Government and the required restrictions may cause difficulties for some families and loved ones. Catholic Homes’ appreciates your patience and support as we await further information and look forward to the easing of these restrictions, in the near future.
Our senior managers have been liaising with all our residences to ensure all facilities are well prepared and are more than able to help you keep in contact with your loved ones. There are many ways to keep in contact including mobile phone and iPad, please speak to the Facility Manager if you require assistance.
Catholic Homes will continue to act on the advice and recommendations of the State Government and the Department of Health. We will be able to provide further updates to you as we have more information from the State Government. You will notice our staff wearing masks, please do not be alarmed as this is a standard precaution that has been advised by the State Government.
Please ensure that you, your friends and close and extended family members are aware and follow this vital requirement and do not visit any aged care residence until further notice. We urge you to continue to practice physical distancing, cough etiquette and hand hygiene at all times. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in helping us to keep you and your loved ones safe.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to you for your patience and support and look forward to keeping you informed.
If you have any questions or concerns on any of these matters, please speak with the Facility Manager at the residence.
23 October 2020 COVID-19 Update
The Premier has announced an easing of the two square metre gathering rule for particular venues and certain industries starting from this weekend. While this development is highly encouraging, we must remain vigilant and prepared should the situation change.
What you can do to help
We kindly remind everyone to keep up their efforts that will help us to continue our responses throughout all our residences and services, including:
- If you are unwell, please do not enter any of our residences. Please phone or email ahead so we can make arrangements until your symptoms resolve.
- Visitors must continue to provide proof of their flu vaccination and complete the wellness questionnaires before entering our residences each and every time they visit or return to see a loved one.
- Maintaining physical distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquette at all times.
- We ask you to remind your extended family members and friends to be aware of and adhere to all visitation and entry arrangements outlined above. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Please keep in mind that should the situation change, we are well prepared and will keep you and your loved one informed. There are many ways to communicate with family and friends, including providing mobile or tablet devices to your loved one to stay in touch via various platforms such as Zoom or FaceTime and other apps.
If you need assistance, our staff are always happy to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
25 August 2020 COVID-19 Update
We are acutely aware that while the situation in Western Australia is encouraging, the national outlook remains complex and challenging.
To help make sure that we are in the best position should the situation change in WA, Catholic Homes is working hard behind the scenes. We are progressing our plans, monitoring matters closely and are regularly receiving information and advice from State and Commonwealth Health authorities.
What you can do to help
As you know COVID-19 is highly contagious and older people are among the most vulnerable in the community, so therefore it is vital that we do not become complacent. Your awareness and cooperation with all existing and future arrangements is essential in keeping everyone safe. By maintaining good practices including physical distancing, hand hygiene and cough etiquette at all times, we can all help prevent the risk of infection.
Visitors are reminded that they must continue to provide proof of their flu vaccination and complete the wellness questionnaires before entering our residences each and every time they visit or return to see a loved one.
If you are unwell, please do not enter any of our residences. Please phone or email ahead so we can make arrangements until your symptoms resolve. There are many ways to keep in touch, including providing mobile and tablet devices to your loved one. If you need assistance, our staff are always happy to help.
To help us continue our efforts across all our residences, we kindly ask you to remind your extended family members and friends to be aware of and adhere to all visitation and entry arrangements outlined above. Your assistance is greatly appreciated! We offer our heartfelt thanks to you for your patience and support and look forward to keeping you informed.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your Facility Manager, Case Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.
16 July 2020 COVID-19 Update
We thank relatives and friends for your continued support during these challenging times of COVID-19, to keep your loved ones safe and healthy.
We have recently reviewed some of our current practices regarding resident movements within our facilities and visitations of relatives and friends. As a result, we have amended some of our practices in the following manner:
- Residents can now be taken off site to a relative’s home or out to a commercial establishment. We strongly recommend that residents are not taken to shopping centres or highly populated areas where social distancing cannot be controlled.
- We will be recommencing activities between houses/wings within our residences, which will facilitate greater community spirit.
- Residents wishing to move outside a facility can do so accompanied by a staff member/relative to ensure social distancing requirements are maintained.
We will continue to review any advice that is received from the Department of Health and the Public Health Department and will update you should things change. If you are feeling unwell, please do not enter any of our Aged Care Facilities. This is to maintain the health and well-being of our Residents, Families and Staff members, which is paramount. While COVID-19 continues to provide many challenges, all our actions in dealing with the pandemic are focused on keeping your loved ones protected and safe.
We would like to offer our heartfelt thanks for your patience and support during what has been an extremely difficult time for all concerned. We are starting to see a real relaxation of the restrictions we have had to endure, and I thank you for your co-operation. Can I ask you to discuss with family members and known visiting friends the need for them to have completed, one questionnaire per visitor, and register their flu vaccinations with Facility Managers each time they visit.
Please ask them to follow the facility procedures when arriving on site for a visit. We will continue to raise these matters with visitors directly but your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your Facility Manager, Clinical Nurse Manager or Clinical Nurse.