Poetry lovers and blokes gather
New groups are meeting to cement friendships are share lifetimes of experiences.
Our residents suggested a poetry group to be added onto the activity planner, and we listened.
Introducing our Poetry Group which is facilitated by Valerie Laughton. Valerie is an author and poet who loves to compose and share her work with fellow residents.
Pat Mullan has also picked up poetry again to express her past and memories through a creative outlet that is the new group.
“I love that I am able to share my poetry and creations with the other residents and to express myself creatively again,” she said.
Poetry allows our residents to ponder, discuss and share their opinions and thoughts about different topics in a creative manner. And we’ve noticed sometimes the blokes just want to hang out together.
So, we’ve started a weekly Men’s Group n in the residence, centred around topics of their interests and hobbies. One new topic was “wheels” and — you guessed it — all things cars, motorbikes and bicycles.
The blokes loved chatting about what cars they used to drive, how they used to ride bicycles to school, and sharing stories from their childhood while having a cheeky drink or two. We hope to organise vintage cars or motor bikes to visit St Vincent’s soon so keep an eye out for that!