Happy Easter from Catholic Homes
We hope your Easter was a celebration of family and friends, even if it was from a distance.
Our Trinity Village residents got the Easter celebrations off to a delicious start with a lunch, plenty of Easter eggs and a raffle. Congratulations Alix on winning the hamper!
Two catering teams became one when the Marist team joined St Vincent’s for this year’s Easter preparations. Food Services Coordinator/Chef Parween Ramsahye says, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success.”
Servite residents had a furry visitor this Easter, not to mention a fabulous Easter cake made by the talented Chef Damiano.
Castledare didn’t miss out on the Easter celebrations either. The residents from each house made an Easter tree that they painted and decorated. In addition to a visit from the Easter bunny residents also went on an Easter egg hunt. Many a giggle was heard as the hand-made chickens ‘laid eggs’ which were quickly devoured and enjoyed by all.
A big thank you to all the staff and volunteers who always make these events so special.