Coronavirus COVID-19 Update 24th March 2020
At Catholic Homes we continue to care for your loved ones and we thank you for trusting us with their care.
The COVID-19 continues to spread at an increasing rate within the community and Catholic Homes has upgraded its Infection Prevention response to further protect its residents, visitors, staff and volunteers.
As of Tuesday 24th March 2020, we have implemented quarantine measures for all of its residences to assist in reducing the risk of contracting the virus and to promote the best possible outcome for your loved ones.
We are implementing this initiative to assist in reducing the risk of contracting the virus and to promote the best possible outcome for your loved ones. Special exemptions will be considered in exceptional and compassionate circumstances, such as medical emergencies or end-of-life-care, which can be approved by the Facility Manager on a case by case basis.
We acknowledge the disruption this may cause you and your family members, however we appreciate the actions that Catholic Homes is taking to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of your loved ones and the health and wellbeing of staff so they can continue to provide them with the care services they need.
We encourage everyone to stay in touch with your loved ones via telephone, FaceTime, letter, postcard and email. Our staff are on hand to assist in setting up these types of communications.
Important hygiene reminder
Practising effective hygiene control is the best defence against most viruses. You should:
- Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand gel, including before and after eating and after going to the toilet.
- Cover your cough and sneezes, preferably with a tissue or into your elbow, dispose of tissues and wash your hands immediately.
- Avoid contact with others (stay more than 1.5 metres from people).
- Avoid touching your own eyes, nose and mouth.
- Exercise personal responsibility for social distancing measures.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who has a cold or flu-like symptoms
Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms include coughing, sore throat, headaches, difficulty breathing, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and muscle pain. Symptoms can start between two and 14 days from exposure to the virus. In some cases, the virus can cause severe pneumonia. If you develop symptoms, seek medical advice.
More information
State and Commonwealth authorities have a range of resources and more information:
- 24-hour Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080 or visit
- Australian Government Department of Health website
- Health Direct helpline 1800 300 243
- Public Health Information line on 1800 004 599
In addition, the Commonwealth Department of Health has information, resources and facts regarding the coronavirus at this site